Apex 8605-100 NeverKink 2000 5/8-Inch-by-100-Foot Heavy Duty Ultra Flexible Hose Review

Apex 8605-100 NeverKink 2000 5/8 inch-by-100-Foot Heavy Duty Ultra Flexible HoseWhy in the world am I writing a review for this hose? Because I have experience with a bad hose and I didn't know hose technology really mattered, but it does. This hose is pretty darn close to being "NeverKink" and definitely worth an extra couple.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Apex 8605-100 NeverKink 2000 5/8 Inch-by-100-Foot Heavy Duty Ultra Flexible Hose

Product Description:
The Apex NeverKink 2000 5/8-inch-by-100-foot heavy-duty ultra-flexible hose is guaranteed not to kink or tangle. It features durable solid brass couplings, Microshield -- an antimicrobial protection that guards against mold and mildew -- and a Power Coil protective collar to prevent kinking at the faucet. This hose features a 5/8-inch internal diameter and is rated for use up to 360 PSI.

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