Nelson Turbo-Heart 17-Jet Oscillating Sprinkler with 3,000 Square-Foot Coverage 50910 Review

Nelson Turbo-Heart 17-Jet Oscillating Sprinkler with 3,000 Square-Foot Coverage 50910May have seen my post on this one's brother.I had this one as one of the pair of turbo heart units that broke on me.

I've used this sprinkler for a little backyard garden I have and for keeping my grass from drying out in the very windy South Texas heat.

The problem I had was that it stalls and just sprays one area. I thought that I just had a defective unit until I got a second one with the same "turbo heart" brand.

It turns out that the flimsy plastic used to keep the oscillation going around the turbo heart motor will skip off track, stalling out the unit. this would be great if it was made of solid metal, but the plastic parts just make it a weak design with performance that's not worth buying (even on sale).

When it works, its great; when it stalls, it's a waste of water and money poorly spent.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Nelson Turbo-Heart 17-Jet Oscillating Sprinkler with 3,000 Square-Foot Coverage 50910

Product Description:
Nelson Sprinkler 50910 3,000 Square Feet Turbo Heart Oscillating SprinklerTURBOHEART oscillating sprinklers are named for the distinctive heart-shaped, patented cam that forces the sprinkler to change directions without water puddling at either end.Nelson Sprinkler 50910 3,000 Square Feet Turbo Heart Oscillating Sprinkler Features;; Rectangular spray pattern; Impact resistant plastic base; Curved aluminum spray tube with 17 precision jets; Covers up to 3,000 square feet

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